If you're reading this, you're at least interested in what it means to fast and what the benefits might actually be. In the Jewish culture, fasting was a part of their tradition and actually rules of Jewish law that were expected to be followed. Just like so many other rules and laws, Jesus came to fulfill all of them. We are free in Jesus and not under rules or law. However, there are so many benefits that God set up for the Jewish people before Jesus made his appearance as a man that we can glean from today, and I personally have found fasting to be one of them.
In all of my 53 years on earth, I was never once encouraged to fast. I wasn't familiar with it other than reading it in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew, but I just assumed it didn't apply to me since I had never learned about it in any of my Bible classes or sermons that were preached. Not once. In 2021 that changed. An entire church had committed to do this together as they prayed specifically for things in their community, their families and individually. I found this inspiring and intriguing as, again, I'd never even considered doing this.
Fasting is an immediate way to point yourself to Jesus. We all know the pang of hunger in some form or fashion. The idea of fasting is to push through that pang and look to Jesus, asking Him to fill you instead of rushing to the fridge, pantry or nearest drive-thru. It's definitely not what we're used to here in America.
If you've made it this far, you may be truly considering it. I'm so so impressed with you! Fasting is an individual decision. However, you must commit to it BEFORE you start, or you will be tempted to change it and rationalize that change as you move forward. Here is what I have done for the last 3 years, and it is what I will do for 21 days starting January 1 of 2025:
Week 1
4 glasses of juice per day. I'm not a juice-girl, so this was already a challenge for me. I bought quite a few small bottles in the produce section at the grocery store the first year and narrowed it to what I can actually get down. Some people also substitute one or two of these glasses per day with broth. That was a line too far in the sand for me. I also drink water all day long.
Read one chapter of the book of John each day. Get to know Jesus by his own words and actions as an adult man. Learn how he interacted with his disciples, his enemies and how he treated those around him. His goal was (and is) to lead us to the Father. Read in His own words how He does that. There are 21 chapters. Kinda perfect.
Watch at least one episode of The Chosen. Start from the beginning. It's on Amazon Prime, but it also has its own app which is FREE to download and watch on any of your devices. Watch it alone the first time if you have not yet started. It's so very personal, and you don't want to miss even a moment of each episode, so don't have your phone nearby. Unplug from everything and everyone for that hour each day and soak in the visual images and audio elements of what Jesus could have been like in real flesh.
Pray. Pray specifically for what God has in store for you over the next few days, weeks, months, year. Watch. Listen.
Week 2
4 glasses of juice per day + a dinner meal of strictly vegetables. Get creative. You can start chewing this week, ha! Water all day long.
Keep reading one chapter of John.
Keep watching at least one episode of The Chosen. (When you get to Season 2, Episode 1, go back and read John 1:1-18 again. You will be moved to tears at how personal Jesus is for you. I can't wait to hear about this from everyone!)
Pray. Pray specifically for what God has in store for you over the next few days, weeks, months, year. Watch. Listen.
Week 3
4 glasses of juice per day, a dinner meal of strictly vegetables, a protein drink at lunchtime. Water all day long.
Keep reading one chapter of John.
Keep watching at least one episode of The Chosen.
Pray. Pray specifically for what God has in store for you over the next few days, weeks, months, year. Watch. Listen.
This is my personal journey. Choose one that is right for you.
One note I'd like to address: Biblical fasting is restricted to food. Others may "fast" from social media, hobbies, alcohol, etc. God set up fasting to include food. If you'd like to "abstain" from those other things, that sounds fantastic, but it's not a fast. Fasting is difficult at best and causes some days of physical suffering, but you will be SHOCKED at how God will pull you along. Some days, and this may sound crazy, you might not even feel hungry, and you will have to remember to go drink that glass of juice.
Days 2 and 5 are usually the hardest for me at first. It's like my body is saying, "ok, i know you probably forgot yesterday, but let's get back to this eating thing..." You'll have a couple of days when you don't think you can do it. YOU CAN WITH GOD! Cry out to Him. Once completed, you will have accomplished something you may have never thought you could. Your body will feel great, your soul will feel refreshed, and your relationship with Jesus will become closer than you ever expected.
ALSO, please comment on this blog each day or any day you feel encouraged or discouraged. Let's share together what verse hit you directly or how God revealed something to you. Some days will be harder while some days will be easier. Let's encourage each other. This is your personal fasting group! Welcome!
Get ready to fall in Love with Jesus in 21 days!
Day 8 for me! Reading was more difficult for me today, I feel like it was more of a discipline day for that, but I am also fighting the temptation to put off my prayer for all at once at the end of the day, I think the enemy uses that procrastination so I’ll fall asleep instead of spending time with God.
I worked near where my mom works today and I got to go visit her and meet her coworkers. She called to tell me that I looked so great, that I had a glow and she could see a difference in my eyes! The last time I saw her was at Christmas and I was the most depressed I’ve been in my life. The Lord is working in my life through this fast, I feel like I have more energy and a clearer mind.
I felt so much joy eating today, I made potatoes softened in the instant pot then fried in the cast iron w/avocado oil, I also had black bean and corn salad. Praise the Lord 🙌🏻
Jan 10, 2025
Day 9 has me feeling very thankful for this group and for The Chosen. I am still fasting and drinking water and a little juice. My hunger pains have left so I am not in any hurry to get back to the food. I feel stronger and closer to God each day. I am very clear headed and feel that I need to continue to pray and hear a clear word from God. I pray for each of you. I thank God for you all.
Jan 10, 2025
My husband and I are watching The Chosen from the beginning….again. I think this is our 5th or 6th time. I absolutely love how this series has captured Jesus and his love, humor and compassion for everyone. EVERYONE! We watched Season 2 episodes 1 & 2. I agree that pairing it with John has brought a deeper love for Jesus. I seem to lay in bed often and pray. Normally I go through the list of children and grandchildren….and somewhere simply drift off to sleep. Last night I could only repeat “I love you so much, Jesus.”
Last year during the fast my husband and I were contemplating making a completely different career change. We farm & last year there was a mandatory split within the family….and through many ups and downs within a family business, the future for farming was in question for us. Through the separation of equipment, farms and fields, we were forced into downsizing. Brian & I questioned if we were doing what we thought God’s will was for our lives. We were definitely down in acres and Satan saw his window of opportunity. The doubts crept in and consumed our days and nights. We started the fast praying continuously for “what’s next”. Brian did the math of our operation and told me if we could just get another 200 acres, life would be tight, but we could make it. We prayed…..on our knees…much. We asked our friends to pray. When we started the 3rd week of the fast, Brian received a phone call from a farm management corporation asking if we would be interested in farming for a trust established in the 1940s of a widow with no children. The beneficiaries for the trust are the two local churches in our small town (hey, I’m all about supporting our churches). We interviewed and were chosen to take over the farm. Ask me how many acres?? FOUR HUNDRED ACRES….yes, 400 acres. Isn’t that JUST LIKE GOD to say….oh, you just wait, you wonder if you are in my will?? I will make it CRYSTAL CLEAR by doubling what you need by your “numbers”. Can I just say our faith grew exponentially!!! It has allowed us to be full time on the farm, help be more involved in our 3 year old grandson and brought confirmation we are doing Kingdom work for Him. (reminds me of the song Beautiful Things)
I can say that even though it might seem as if nothing is happening within the first week or two, I PROMISE, God sees and will honor the sacrifice for Him. He CANNOT HELP but through blessings our way!
Thankful for reading others posts! Brings much encouragement!
Jan 09, 2025
Missy - response re protein drink and dreams:
Jase and I have been watching most of The Chosen episodes together. Even though we both have seen these episodes multiple times, we are amazed at how many of the small conversations or even individual statements we have forgotten or just speak so profoundly to us again. Pairing it with reading John each day usually brings me to tears at least once. It’s emotional when you realize how personal our God is to us each and every day. Before the beginning of time, he had this plan because He knew we would need Him. He is an amazing God!
My plate of pinto beans and side of guacamole last night were some of the most delicious food I have ever eaten! Ha! It made me think of how much we take all of our food for granted. Most of us get to choose each day what we will eat. My thoughts went back to my times in the Dominican Republic. I was nervous the first time I went because I was told we would be eating beans and rice every day for 6 days because that is all they have in the areas we were staying. After a few trips there, I finally asked what the ladies do to make their beans so wonderful. They shared with me their spices ($2.00 at their local market) and now I make those beans at least 2-3 times a month and it is one of my family’s favorite meals. The Dominicans took what little they had and made it the absolute most very best. I thought about them while eating those beans last night, prayed for them and thanked God for his abundance.
Next week I will start my protein drink for lunch. This month is the start of 10 years I have been taking Thrive. It’s a 3-step program that involves a patch (it removes toxins from my body each day), 2 capsules (specifically designed for women) and a lifestyle drink. The mix is gluten-free and contains protein, biotin, calcium. Since using Thrive, I have been off caffeine and sugar. It’s been a total life change. Here is the link:
I woke this morning with no ill feeling of anxiety through the night. One of my spiritual mentors told me recently that the evil one cannot live where Jesus lives. It’s impossible. This was after Jase and I had counseled some people in our home regarding their terrible sinful lives and it disturbed us greatly. After that, I went through my entire house speaking the name of Jesus out loud, shouting “Jesus, You live here! You are the Master of this home! There is no place for any evil here, so get out if you are from the evil one!” I said things to this effect all over my house. If Jesus is present, the evil one nor his demons physically cannot occupy that space. Like in The Chosen, just the smell of purity and righteousness sends the demons running! Let your home be filled with the name of Jesus this week and every week!
You ladies are amazing, and you have kept me going through a very tough week!
Jan 09, 2025
Dezy :
Day 9- The response of the blind man was really something! And to worship Jesus in person is mind boggling 🩷
Got some different drinks yesterday that I’m happy to have. The one with collard greens and lemon was really…. healthy ha! God bless you guys!
Jan 09, 2025
Day 8!
Missy: I’ve found it almost impossible to fall asleep the past 3 nights and I’m not sleeping well when I do. I’m dreaming all night, but not remembering. I just feel anxious at night. I thought it was just me, but maybe not. It’s not normal of me to be this way. I’ll address this with the Lord as soon as I’m done with this post!
I had half a sweet potato and some roasted broccoli tonight. I sautéed some kale, but it was oily to me, so I didn’t eat that. I am still full! That was the sweetest plain sweet potato I’ve ever eaten. Haha Seriously though, I really was thankful for every bite and prayed the whole meal. It’s been a while since I fasted and I forgot what that first meal is like. It’s very spiritual and emotional and makes it all worth while. And yes, I am feeling closer to the Lord. I most certainly am. I’m also learning some things. I’ve never fasted longer than 24 hours. I’ve been missing out.
I think my protein drink next week will be Orgain Organic Simple Vegan Protein Powder in chocolate maybe. I hope it’s not gross. I’m worried it will be too sweet and would like suggestions from anyone.
Sorry for the long post. God is so good.
Jan 09, 2025
Melissa Orsburn:
End of Day 8!
I just want to share that I have been praying for all of us in this group! I am just so grateful for all of your comments and knowing we are sharing this journey together.
God Bless!
Jan 09, 2025
Missy, Yes please. I’d love to know what your protein drink of choice is for next week.
I’m so excited to eat. Waiting until after I go skating with my youngest. As I feel like I’d be cheating if I ate around 4.
I chopped up all my veggies and it’s marinating in the fridge waiting for my consumption.
I’ve watched others enjoy a pizza in my home and I’m not bothered by it. Being closer to Jesus is more important to me. Although when this is done I’m going to make a homemade Brie Cheese Pizza. I’ve never heard of a Brie cheese pizza, but that’s what I’m going to have ;)
Thanks for the encouragement everyone. Sending out positive vibes and God bless.
Jan 08, 2025
Missy - Starting Veggies tonight!:
Today starts the 2nd weeks of this journey! If you’re still with us, I am super impressed! Yesterday was a difficult day for me physically. I felt like I had no energy, battled an ongoing headache most or all of the day and almost caved last night with the justification of a handful of cashews. But I prayed for God to feed me with his Word (Jesus). I begged to draw even closer to him and for him to sustain me through the night. It’s been a strange week for me mentally as well. I don’t know if anyone else has had this experience, but my dreams during the night have become very vivid and some have been quite disturbing. I’ve been restless and uneasy. I woke up this morning and immediately asked the Lord to take the evil one and any of his demons out of my bedroom and out of my house. Before I opened my eyes, I prayed that the Lord Almighty would surround me with his angels and bring me peace. Remember, ladies, that the evil one (I won’t say his name) does NOT want us to be doing this. He will try in any form to get to us, even in our subconscious and dreams. This is the first time this has happened to me and it has been consistent most of the week. I call on the name of the King of Kings to remove him from my presence, and I believe with all my might that He will do so!
Now about those veggies! I put on a pot of beans this morning and am so looking forward to them tonight alongside a bowl of homemade guacamole (avacados, diced tomatoes and a little lemon juice and salt). In my experience, my eyes have literally been bigger than my stomach on this day, so take this first real meal slowly, enjoying and giving gratitude for every bite.
I truly hope this experience is blessing you in some way. It is very difficult at times, so I am really encouraged by what everyone is writing on here. If you’d like to know my protein drink that I will add 7 days from now, I’ll be happy to share the link with you. I just don’t want to turn this group into a commercial. Let me know if you are interested. I’ll be happy to put the link in a comment. Have a great rest of the day, ladies!
Jan 08, 2025
Today is day three for me. Yesterday was a little rough. I woke up hungry and had a headache. The challenge for me is also caffeine has been cut out so my body is going through withdrawals.
In addition to reading John and am also doing another Bible study. Today I read 1 Corinthians, chapter 6. verses 19-20 stuck out. "don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you whom you have from God. You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit which are God’s.
I pray that I can continue on this journey and this will be bring me closer to God.
Today is going better as I am praying for God’s strength.
Jan 08, 2025
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