Some of you have asked me recently where I found the ladies who modeled my clothing line for this website. I am always happy to share that these ladies are all very special to me. You recognize Miss Kay, of course. My mom is also shown. The rest of these beautiful models all happen to be some of my very good friends. I’ve known all of them for a very long time. What do all of these women have in common? They are all my sisters in Christ. These ladies are not only gorgeous on the outside but show the same beauty on the inside. They each have their own story about how they came to know Jesus and decided to make Him the Lord of their life.
Kandy’s girls are very good friends with Reed and Cole, and we have actually been on mission trips together in the past. Her zest for life is contagious!
Jil is married to Jase’s first cousin, Zach, and proves over and over again that putting God first in one’s life may not always be an easy road but does always work for the good. She and Zach work with our local university church and its surrounding area, sacrificing much of their time serving the indigent and homeless.
I’ve known Anna Caroline since she was born. She and her family, including her mom Angie (on the far right) have been not only friends of ours, but her dad, Daniel, is the defensive coordinator for our school’s football team and coached Reed for many years.
Tara is what I would call a spiritual giant. She has three wonderful boys and is a purposeful parent, making godly choices for them and leading them to be respectful, thoughtful and helpful. I am amazed by her and her husband’s faith and commitment to their church family.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because these women and many more like them are who have helped mold me and keep challenging me in my Christian walk. If I need anything in my life, I could pick up the phone and call or text any of these ladies, and they would drop everything to help me. Actually, they did when I asked them to model for me! These relationships didn’t just happen. They took time. And time is something that many of us are finding less and less of these days. Since we all are a part of the same church, we get to see each other on almost a weekly basis. All of these women and their families have made a commitment to come together on Sundays and Wednesdays to get refilled. Not only do we get to sing together (our singing is fabulous at WFR), hear a wonderful lesson from our fantastic preachers (seriously, we have the best!), but we get to hug, catch up on the week’s activities and maybe plan a get-together. If we chose not to come on Sundays, those connections would fade. There are some relationships in the past that have done just that…faded away. It’s difficult to keep relationships without the time commitment. Hebrews 10:25 says, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some of you are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” We have also been together over the years in a program at our church called Heart to Home – an amazing program that has the older women teaching the younger women once a month in their homes. (Titus 2).
I am so grateful for the godly relationships I have with all of these women. They encourage me by their own lives to make better choices, to seek out the word of God and to purposefully lead my children to a better relationship with their Father in heaven. My prayer is that every woman on the planet would have these relationships. How do you get started, you may ask? First, choose a church. Choose a church that teaches the Word of God, that Jesus is Lord and no one else. Second, seek out a program in your congregation where you can make relationships with godly sisters seeking the same relationship with Christ that you want. If your church doesn’t offer this, start your own. Invite some women over to your house and talk with them about your desire to have deep, meaningful relationships.
Needing a kickstart? Come to the first annual Heart to Home Conference being held in Monroe on February 6-7, 2015 with Dr. Joneal Kirby. I will be there all weekend long with Miss Kay and all my sisters-in-law. You can meet us, hear our stories and learn how to start this program in your church or hometown. Please make plans to attend. This will literally change your life. We can keep Satan out of our homes and our relationships if we insert Christ into each one of them. Will you join me? Will you choose to create or work on godly relationships in your life? The rewards are enormous!
And I can’t wait to share more of my gorgeous sisters with you when my spring line is revealed!
Go to for tickets. And go to for more information about this program.
Models from left to right:
Kandy, Jil, Anna Caroline, Peggy (mom), me, Miss Kay, Tara, Angie
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