“29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues[d]? Do all interpret? 31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts.” I Corinthians 12:29-31
Since Cole was four years old, he has played baseball. He started out, of course, in tee ball: learning the sport, gauging his strength, working on his skills. Jase and I spent many nights at the city ballpark walking (or running) between fields to watch Cole bat on one side of the park while Reed was playing catcher on the other side. That’s when my crock-pot cooking skills reached an all time high! With no time to cook before or during games, I learned to put on something in the morning, swing by the house to grab it while the boys changed into their uniforms, and we would eat tender pork chops or vegetable soup sitting in the stands. It was a lot better than concession stand food, that’s for sure! So much time was put into and around baseball season. And what fun it was! Mia especially learned to adapt to playing in the stands and making new friends with other siblings who also “lived” at the ballpark.
When school ball started, the intensity rose to a different level, and the pride that they had wearing their uniform and representing their school showed at each game. Cole had honed his skills to becoming a very talented pitcher. With his calm demeanor and cool head, he showed on the mound that nothing could rattle him. He was very successful…
Until he tore his labrum.
This kid pitched an entire season his sophomore year and never complained. Jase knew something was off and kept questioning him about it. Cole would just shrug it off. At the end of the season after his last game, Jase sat him down and said, “Cole, does anything in your body hurt? Anything at all?”
Cole said, “Well, my shoulder does feel a little stiff.”
Jase checked him out, interrogated him to the fullest, and told me that I needed to take him to the orthopedic doctor, which I did. That prompted an MRI, which showed the tear in his labrum. Surgery was expected. That summer, Cole’s labrum was repaired, and we all expected nothing less than a long, but full, recovery. He worked so hard that next season, but unfortunately, his shoulder never recovered to the strength it previously had. As his senior year was approaching fast, he made a conscientious decision to sit baseball out his senior year. As a mom who actually looked forward to sitting on those cold, hard stadium seats every season, I was devastated! Reed’s athletic career had been over for over a year, and I was so anticipating a fabulous senior year of watching Cole soar to the top! I had to get over that rather quickly.
In September, Cole walked in the house one day after school and announced, “Mom, I joined the soccer team.”
Are you kidding me? I’ve lived the past 20 years of my life having successfully avoided winter soccer. And now this?
“Oh, wow, that’s great, Cole!”
And you would you know that he had quite the season scoring quite a few goals? He did so well that he made All District Team! So, he decided to add a couple of more new sports to his list: tennis and golf. He excelled in tennis and is playing in the State Championship Tournament starting on Thursday. And during the Senior Awards Ceremony this morning, he received Academic All State in Tennis.
This year was a season of seeing one talent fall away but be replaced by three more, two of which were honors-worthy. I’m so proud of the wisdom Cole showed in realizing his life-long dream of pitching was no longer a possibility. He came to the conclusion long before I did. I am also proud of him for stepping out of his comfort zone and trying something new. Not all of us can be star pitchers, but Cole would have never known his potential in soccer and tennis had he not said goodbye to the old and hello to new possibilities.
Is there something you’ve felt has run its course in your life? Maybe there is something (or Someone) tugging at your heart that is leading you to serve God in a new and greater area of your life. Maybe you’ve developed a new skill over the past few years and it is high time to put it to use. Ask God to lead you in how to use it for him. It may be something you never thought was possible. How exciting to watch God work!
Have a wonderful week!
Thank you for this! I’m a junior in high school and have played soccer my whole life. Everyone is set on me playing in college but God has been speaking to me to end my career. He has told me soccer is not the plan he has for my life. I’ve struggled with this but I know that anything God sends is so much greater then serving myself and my own selfish desires. You’ve inspired me to search for new ways to spread his love with the world!
Jun 15, 2016
Tracy dixon:
I have a question Missy. I had two boys in football, two games a week between the both of them. Not to mention one in karate right after football practice. Games can get costly after a while. The crock pot idea has always been a favorite of mine but never thought of taking it with us. We would just have to wait til we got home to eat which could sometimes be late. This sounds awesome. My question is, how did your transport things in a crock pot to the games? Thanks for your help.
May 26, 2016
I love this story! It shows that God can always work something good out of what seems disappointing. This is another reason for hope! I wonder what you, Missy, have experienced like this also? Cole— you have such great things ahead in your future! Congratulations!! (My son is his same age!) ;D <3
Apr 30, 2016
S. Amato:
What a touching story!
So very proud of Cole. You have wonderful Godly children!
Sheila A.
Apr 26, 2016
Tracy Dixon:
I so love this story. My son was also in a similar situation but with football. He adapted and found other areas of interest and is learning by leaps and bounds. Thank you for reminding me it’s not our will but God’s
Apr 25, 2016
Casey knight:
A similar thing happened to me in my softball career. Unfortunately, I didn’t pursue another sport. I was a pitcher also!
So many wonderful things I relate to from you and your family. Please pray for me. I am a 31 yr old single mom to an amazing 9yr old girl. All I want to be is an amazing wife and mother. I’ve never been married. I pray to someday have the opportunity to share the blessings of being a mom and wife with the right person. To take what God has put on my heart from an adolescent age and see it come to fruition. Thank you for all that you do and share!
Apr 25, 2016
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